obsessed with Trader Joe's Coconut Body Butter. Seriously. Every time I open it I want to eat it. It smells that good. I bought some for Alex a few months ago but had not actually tried it (she's a stingy teenager anyway and keeps it out of my reach...hahaha) until I bought my own container. Heaven.
overwhelmed by all the trips I'm trying to plan this year. One to here. And here. And here. And here. And also one to here and our usual trip to here. I have the travel bug bad this year so let's see if I can work them all in:) It doesn't help that Nate started a new job and his vacation time doesn't start accruing for another month or so. Luckily most of these are weekend jaunts.
loving Project Life this year. I went through most of my scrapbooking crap and got rid of 80% of it. (By "got rid of " I mean it's sitting in boxes in my garage and I'm at a loss about what to do with it.) That seems to have cleared my brain by 80% too though because I'm actually keeping up with PL and doing pages that I really like. I don't seem to be blocked like last year. My goal is to get through the last bit of scrapbooking crap by the next month and rid myself of another boxful (or two).
watching Supernatural on Netflix. Why has it taken me so long to finally start watching this show?
not reading. I am in a slump lately and just not interested in books. Went to the library the other night to try and remedy this situation so we'll see if that changes things up for me. I've been walking a lot on my lunch hour which is whenI used to read so I'm wondering if that is what is throwing me off. That and busy weekends with not a lot of extra time just to read...
That's all for now. Exciting things going on in my life...right?
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