laughing at this recipe a friend linked to on Facebook. The comments are awesome.
enjoying all the Peppermint Hot Chocolates I can fit in this holiday season:)
anticipating the end of my (short) work day today. Then I don't have to come back until Monday;)
thankful, beyond words, for my wonderful family. Life would not be as amazing as it is without them
excited to really start planning the mom-daughter trip with Alex. The trip we planned had to be postponed but we've rescheduled for March!
looking forward to all the delicious food we're making tomorrow:) This and this and this. Plus mashed potatoes (my favorite!) and a few others:)
hoping to catch up some on my Project Life over the next 4 days. I stopped about mid-October which is when I stopped last year. Must be something about this time of year...
bummed that I didn't do ANYTHING on my fall list. Even after making a list. I just can't seem to find any extra time during the Holiday season for extra activities. Work, Alex & Nate, cooking and gym is about all I have time for.
not loving the Daylight Savings time change. I have so much trouble adjusting to this change in light and I get so depressed and unproductive when it's dark at 5:30. My energy has felt sapped for weeks now:(
drinking one of these tonight. Or when I get home;)
preparing for the Black Friday shopping-fest. We go every year even though we don't really need anything. It's just fun to be out in the craziness. no...really. This year we're hoping to score a TV for Alex.
freaking out that my daughter is going to be 18 in less than a month.
I'll end the post on that note...haha. Wishing you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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